Please take note of the following guidelines before submitting a blog.

YorkMSA Blog Guidelines

This blog is intended to be a place where the Muslims at York can contribute positively to the community both at York and abroad. It is meant to be a source of strength and inspiration which will tie the Ummah closer together and adequately present Islam to non-Muslim readers. With a healthy mix of Islamic reminders, useful school advice, practical life lessons, humour and artistic expression, this can be an awesome place for Muslims at York to feel a part of a vibrant community, insh’Allah.

With that being said, it is highly encouraged for anyone who feels they have something positive to contribute to send in a blog entry. Got something cool and interesting to share? Send it in! If not, at least share insightful comments on the work of others.
Here are some general guidelines to make sure you get the most khair out of your article/comments:

  1. Purify your intentions and ask yourself a sincere question, am I contributing something that will benefit other people in any way, however tiny? Speak good or keep silent, remember?
  2. Articles/comments with unIslamic content or against mainstream Islam are not acceptable, don’t look surprised.
  3. Articles/comments that promote any sort of criminal actions or cross the line of acceptable behaviour of York students are not acceptable.
  4. Articles submitted should display writing skills appropriate of university level students. There’s no need to be excessively formal with everything or become an English major, just don’t come off as an elementary student.
  5. If you’re going to write an article on an Islamic topic, think about priority. There is a huge opportunity to do an enormous amount of good with simple reminders than with controversial and more advanced topics.
    To clarify, articles such as following a madhab vs. not following a madhab are not necessary. These are still important topics that should be addressed in classes and halaqas, but not on a blog of laypeople, right? Keep in mind your own education and qualification to discuss certain topics.
  6. Observe appropriate Islamic akhlaq (character). Keep a sense of mutual respect. There is no need for profanity, flirting, name-calling or CRUSHED CAPS LOCKS BUTTON, everyone reads those louder (like you just did) and will think you’re yelling.
  7. No doubt there will be different opinions and disagreements. Even the sahabah had differences of opinion – go figure. Keep things civil and dignified (rule #6).
  8. Keep the comments and discussions related to the article. If someone’s writing about textbook budgeting, there’s no need to go off on a tangent about corrupt Muslim rulers.

The guidelines are pretty simple and common sense. We reserve the right remove/snip any comments and have the last word on accepting articles. Because submissions are open to everybody, it’s not feasible to contact every author whose submission is not accepted. Therefore, if a minimum of three weeks since submission has passed and your blog entry is not posted, feel free to drop us a line.

We’re looking forward to receiving your submissions, so start writing!