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Yaman Khattab: MashaAllah, great advice! Dhikr is an excellent way to clear the mind of procrastination and should...
'Abdul Qaadir Al-Yorubi Quadri O.): -on the grass of the parking lot of woodbine mall -in hallway of the schulich school of...
ahlam: BarakAllahu feek for the article. Very interesting methods suggested. I remember making dhikr...
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about 1 month ago
Asalaam O Alikium
Brother I am interested in volunteering and reaching out to muslims and non muslims. I have been giving dawah for some time with the blessing of Allah (Swt).Last week I did volunteer in UOFT Saint George Campus for whole week before that I volunteered for Ryerson University in the beginning of this month. I am wondering since both these university have had their Islamic Awarness weeks, When would you have it? Infact most universities in North America are having islamic awarness week this month and next. Thanks
Amir Farooq
about 1 month ago
Walaikum Salaam,
We’re a few steps ahead hehe we had our Islamic Awareness Week in the beginning of November.
However, there is another Islamic Awareness Week coming up soon insh’Allah and once the dates become more clear you should see them on the website.
As for volunteering, I’m not sure if you’re a York Student or not. If you are you would attend a training session (if there is one) and then participate, and if you aren’t you would have to e-mail the President and ask him directly.
Jazak’Allah khair for your enthusiasm to help out and May Allah reward you.