In the name of Allaah, the Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy
The Muslim Students’ Association
I. Definitions:
1. The name of the association shall be; “The Muslim Students’ Association”; hereinafter
referred to as the “MSA” which refers to the members of the aforementioned association
of York University for the purpose of this constitution.
2. The term “Executive” shall be deemed to refer to the elected body of MSA.
3. The term’s “general member(s)” and “general membership” shall be deemed to refer to
every member of MSA, subject to article 3.
4. The term “Director” shall be deemed to refer to the member of Board Of Directors, A non-executive who does not form part of the elected body executive board. appointed body of MSA.
II. Objectives:
1. This constitution is enacted for the purpose of establishing a representative body of
elected members to:
_ (a) Ensure that prayer facilities are available for use by Muslim
students attending York University.
_ (b) Encourage and facilitate the practice of Islam on campus.
_ (c) Promote awareness of Islam among the College community.
_ (D) Act as a representative and consul to the Muslims on Campus.
III. Membership:
1. General Membership is open to any member of the York Community (student, staff, and
faculty) as per existing requirements (e.g. membership fee) set by the Executive.
IV. Areas of Legislative Responsibility
1. MSA shall legislate on all matters within its jurisdiction as set out by this constitution.
2. MSA shall amend or append this constitution only in accordance with article 26.
V. Procedure For Calling Meetings
5.01 General Meetings:
_ (a) Meetings shall occur not less than once per semester of each
academic year.
_ (b) Meetings shall be called by 2/3 of the Executive, or by a petition
signed by 2/3 of the general membership.
_ (c) Members must be notified of a meeting either in writing or by email
at least five (5) days prior to the day of the meeting.
_ (d) Emergency meetings shall be permissible in extenuating
circumstances, provided notice is posted in prominent places on
campus, and every attempt is made to ensure that members receive 24
hours notice.
_ (e) The agenda shall be made available at each meeting, subject to
section [16.01 (i)].
5.02 Executive Meetings:
_ (a) Meetings shall occur not less than once every four (4) weeks during
the academic year.
_ (b) Meetings shall be open to the public except when the MSA
Executive decides by consensus that a particular meeting be held
_ (c) Meetings shall be called by 2/3 of the Executive approval.
_ (d) The agenda of each meeting shall be made available three (3) days
prior to each meeting subject to section [16.01 (i)] by the Secretary.
_ (e) Emergency meetings shall be permissible in extenuating
circumstances provided that every attempt is made to ensure that the
Executive receives 24 hours notice.
_ (f) Any member of the Executive or Board of Directors shall reserve the right to call an
emergency meeting, subject to section [5.02 (e)].
_ (g) Each Exec is allowed 2 absences per term without having to
_ (h) In the event that an Exec misses more than 5 meeting per term
without a valid reason, they are subject to be terminated by a 2/3 vote
of the rest of the execs.
_ (i) Directors meeting shall be held privately except when the Board of Directors decides by consensus that a particular meeting be held publically.
VI. General Meeting Procedure
1. The President will chair meetings. In the absence of the president, the Vice Presidents shall chair all meetings.
VII. Executive Meeting Procedure
1. This constitution shall be the sole document governing the MSA behavior.
2. Quorum shall consist of six (6) members of the Executive, including the president or the Vice presidents in the absence of the president.
3. Only the Executive shall reserve the right to vote.
4. Any Executive and/or Director may open issues for discussion and/or an Executive vote.
5. Any Executive member who is absent from three (5) consecutive meetings shall be
deemed to have resigned, unless satisfactory reason for such an absence is given to the
Chair, no later than two (2) days prior to a meeting.
6. Chairing:
_ (a) The President shall chair all meetings. In the absence of the
President, the Vice Presidents shall chair all meetings.
_ (b) The Chair shall be responsible for maintaining order subject to
section [15.03], and ensuring that the agenda is discussed in a complete
and efficient manner.
_(c) The Chairperson of the Board of Directors shall chair all directors meetings. In the absence of the Chairperson, the Vice Chair shall head all director meetings.
VIII. Mandate, Structure, Duties, and Appointments of the Board of Directors
- The Board of Directors is the overseeing body of the MSA. The Board is responsible for ensuring that the York Muslim Students’ Association is fulfilling its mission. It is responsible for ensuring effective organizational and strategic planning and for ensuring that MSA has adequate resources to carry out its mission and mandate and long term goals.
- The Board shall consist of eight (8) appointed York University Muslim Alumnus, Previous MSA Executives, York Faculty, or York Staff Member:
The Chairman of the Board (Brother)
The Chairwoman of the Board (Sister)
The Vice Chairman (Brother)
The Vice Chairwoman (Sister)
The Director of Financial Development (Brother or Sister)
The Director of Operations (Brother or Sister)
The Associate Director (Brother or Sister)
The Executive Director (Brother or sister)
- The Board shall be responsible for the direction and overseeing of the affairs of MSA in accordance with the provisions of this constitution.
- The Directors shall not be elected. Directors will have to undergo an application process, and are appointed and accepted by the Executive Director subject to Section [12.01 (l)]. If the Executive Director position is vacant then the President shall act as the Executive Director until the position is filled.
5. The Directors shall strive to adhere to an Islamic code of conduct at all times that will
positively influence the rest of the membership.
6. Any disagreements between the executives and/or Directors must remain only within the executives or directors and not leaked to the General Body Members. *
7. The Directors shall be responsible for recruiting other Directors for each committee, subject to
section [8.04 and 12.01 (l)].
8. The Directors may serve as Auxiliary to the Executive Board should a position become vacant.
9. The Term of office of each Director shall be four (4) years beginning September 1 and expiring on
August 31 after 4 years
10 The Board of Directors:
i. Will not have any Executive powers except with the provisions of this constitution.
ii. Are to assist and advise the Executive Board.
iii. Are not involved in the day-to-day of activities but monitor the executive decisions, constructively challenge and contribute to the development of strategy.
iv. Are entitled to attend Executive meetings subject to the invitation by Executive.
v. Have the authority to speak for the MSA.
vi. Are entitled to have access to the financial records and bank statements of MSA and make recommendations.
vii. Are custodians to MSA Materials and property; all items are surrendered to them by Outgoing Executive Board Members and are surrendered to Incoming Executive Board. (i.e.: Treasurers Ledgers, receipts, books. Secretary’s Notes, MSA library books, Da’wah Materials, basically everything in the MSA office.).
viii. May scrutinize the performance of the executive in meeting agreed goals and objectives and monitoring, and in succession planning.
ix. Should satisfy themselves that financial information is accurate and that financial controls and systems of risk management are robust and defensible.
x. Also provides independent views on:
- Resources
- Appointments
- Standards of conduct
IX. The Chairman/Chairwoman of the Board
9.01 The Chairman/Chairwoman shall:
_ (a) Act as an official representative of MSA.
_ (b) Provide advice and guidance to the Executive and MSA.
_ (c) Be responsible for ensuring that the Executive carry out their
respective duties as outlined in articles 10-13.
_ (d) Oversee and ensure the smooth operations of MSA, which includes
peacefully resolving any inter-Executive conflict and reviewing all
MSA documentation.
_ (e) Chair each Director meeting, subject to section
[7.06 (c)]..
_ (f) Supports operations and administration of Board of Directors by advising and informing the Executive Board, interfacing between Directors and Executive, and supporting Director’s evaluation of all of Executives.
_(g)Is one of the custodians to the materials and property
_ (h) With the president prepare and present an agenda of what the MSA’s next school year goals should look like. The agenda extends to objectives and long term goals for the future.
_(i) Consult and work closely with President and VP-Sisters’.
_ (j) Prepare and present an annual report to MSA during the final Executive Meeting.
_(k)To implement the strategic goals and objectives of the MSA
_(l)To give direction and leadership toward the achievement of the MSA’s philosophy, mission, strategy, and its annual goals and objectives.
_(m)Serve as Auxiliary to the Vice- Presidents of the Executive Board.
X. The Vice Chairman/Chairwoman
10.01 The Vice Chairman Brothers’ shall:
_ (a) Assist the Chairman
with all designated duties and responsibilities.
_ (b) Assume all duties and responsibilities of the Chairman in the
Chairman’s absence with the cooperation of the Vice Chairwoman
_ (c) Provide the executive with a defined written proposal of what he
sees the YORK MSA become in the next year. This could be ideas,
objectives, improvements and etc.
_ (d) Provide the executive with a defined written proposal of events that
could be organized by the MSA in a chronological way.
_ (e) Supports operations and administration of Board by advising and informing the Executive Board, interfacing between Directors and Executive, and supporting Board’s evaluation of all of Executives.
_ (f) Supervise, consult and work closely with VP Brothers.
_ (g) Interact with and act as a mentor with the MSA brothers.
_(h)To enable the Board to fulfill its governance function.
_(i)To implement the strategic goals and objectives of the MSA with the Chair.
_(j)To give direction and leadership toward the achievement of the MSA’s philosophy, mission, strategy, and its annual goals and objectives
_(k)Is one of the custodians to the materials and property of the MSA
_(l)Serve as Auxiliary to the Chairman Of Board.
10.02 The Vice Chairwoman shall:
_ (a) Assist the Chairwoman with all designated duties and responsibilities.
_ (b) Assume all duties and responsibilities of the Chairwoman in the Chairwoman’s absence with the cooperation of the Vice Chairman
_ (c) Provide the executive with a defined written proposal of what she sees the YORK MSA become in the next year. This could be ideas, objectives, improvements and etc.
_ (d) Provide the executive with a defined written proposal of events that
could be organized throughout the year by the MSA in a chronological
_ (e) Supports operations and administration of Board by advising and informing the Executive Board, interfacing between Directors and Executive, and supporting Board’s evaluation of all of Executive.
_ (f) Supervise, consult and work closely with the VP Sisters.
_ (g) Interact with and act as a mentor with the MSA Sisters.
_(h)To enable the Board to fulfill its governance function.
_(i)To implement the strategic goals and objectives of the MSA with the Chair.
_(j)To give direction and leadership toward the achievement of the MSA’s philosophy, mission, strategy, and its annual goals and objectives
_(k)Is one of the custodians to the materials and property of the MSA
_(l)Serve as Auxiliary to the Chairwoman Of Board.
XI. The Director of Financial Development
1. The Director of Financial Development shall:
_ (a) Be responsible for overseeing all the financial affairs of MSA,
_ (b) Financial, Risk and Facilities Management — Recommends yearly budget for Board approval and prudently manages MSA’s resources within budget guidelines according to current laws and regulations
_ (c) Fundraising (nonprofit-specific) — Oversees fundraising planning and implementation, including identifying resource requirements, researching funding sources, establishing strategies to approach funders, submitting proposals and administrating fundraising records and documentation.
_ (d) With the Treasurer, enable the Executive to fulfill its financial function. Assist in the development of an active Endowment Program that will support and strengthen the financial health of the MSA.
_ (e) With the Treasurer, prepare the annual budget of MSA.
_ (f) Present a financial report following every semester.
_ (g) Disburse no funds of MSA except as authorized by the treasurer or
the President.
_ (h) Prepare an annual report of the financial position of MSA for the
Final executive meeting of the year, including original net worth,
revenue generated, expenditures incurred, amount payable, accounts
receivable and final balance.
_ (i) Recieves all assets and other financial records from the outgoing treasurer and transfers them to the incoming treasurer.
_(j) To give financial direction and advice, toward the achievement of the MSA’s philosophy, mission, strategy, and its annual financial strategic goals and objectives.
_(K) Develops systems and manages resources needed for the Treasurer to carry out fundraising plans.
_(m) Supervise the Treasurer to develop, monitor, and control the financial development, budget and take appropriate action to correct all variances.
_(n)To keep, maintain, audit and have copies of the MSA’s financial records including theof the financial records.
_(o) Serves as Auxiliary to the Treasurer of the Executive
XII. The Executive Director
- The Executive Director shall:
_ (a) Prepare and type an accurate account of each Director meeting and distribute the minutes to the Director and, if requested, to Executive, prior to the next meeting.
_ (b) Type and distribute the agenda for each Director meeting,
_ (c) Keep a record of contacts within the Directors and the Executive.
_ (d) Board Administration and Support — Supports operations and administration of Executive by advising and informing Executive members, interfacing between Board and staff Executive, and supporting Board’s evaluation of chief executive.
_ (e) To keep, maintain, audit and have copies of the MSA records.
_ (f) Human Resource Management — Effectively manages the human resources of the MSA according to authorized personnel policies and procedures that fully conform to the current constitution and regulations.
_ (g) Write down all events that take place that year and store all information (including flyers, brochures and ups n’ downs)
_ (h) Has a copy Organization of all the history of York MSA in the MSA folder.
_ (i) Review of activities (every Semester)
_ (j) During election time he/she has to print out a list of all paid members and that are allowed to vote.
_ (k) Supervise the Secretary to implement the strategic goals and objectives of the MSA
_ (l) Provide application forms and conduct interviews for positions on the Board of Directors. Determines who is appointed as a Director.
_ (m) Receives the meeting minutes and other records from the outgoing secretary and transfer them to the incoming secretary.
_(n) Serves as Auxiliary to the Secretary of the Executive Board
XIII. The Director of Operations.
1. (a) The Director of Operations shall:
_ (a) Act as a liaison between MSA and the community; this includes
other on-campus groups, Masjids, and other Muslim Students’ Associations.
_ (b) Supervise Public Relation Commissioners, and assist them with interactions with other on-campus groups, Masajid, and other Muslim Students’ Associations.
_ (c) Community and Public Relations — Assures the MSA’s and its mission, programs, and services are consistently presented in strong, positive image to the Muslim student body at York University.
_(d)Program, Product and Service Delivery — Oversees design, marketing, promotion, delivery and quality of programs, products and services the MSA offers.
_(e)Supervise Public Relations Commissioners of the Executive to coordinate promotion and public relations for related programs, special events, campaigns and development efforts.
_(f) Effectively relate and motivate Executive, Coordinators and volunteers and to achieve goals and objectives.
XIV. The Associate Director
1 (a) The Associate Director shall:
_(a) Supervise the GTA MSA Representative interactions with other organizations in the Greater Toronto Area, including, but not limited to, the MSAs of other universities, inter-University community meetings, including but not limited to YFS meetings.
_(b) In conjunction with the GTA Representative of the Executive board, coordinate promotion and public relations for related programs, special events, campaigns and development efforts.
_(c)Provide assistance and support to the ongoing growth of the MSA and serve as a staff liaison, representing the YorkMSA with GTA Muslim Student Association.
XV. Duties and Structure of the Executive
1. The Executive shall consist of ten (10) elected York University Muslim Students:
The President (brother or sister),
The Vice President Brother’s (brother),
The Vice President Sister’s (sister),
The Treasurer (brother or sister),
The Secretary (brother or sister),
GTA-MSA Representative (brother or sister)
Four (4) Public Relations Commissioners (two (2) brothers and two (2) sisters),
2. The Executive shall be responsible for the direction and management of the affairs of MSA in accordance with the provisions of this constitution.
3. The Executive shall strive to adhere to an Islamic code of conduct at all times that will
positively influence the rest of the membership.
4. Any disagreements between the executives must remain only within the executives and
not leaked to the General Body Members. *
5. The Executive shall be responsible for recruiting members for each committee, subject to
section [21.01 and 21.02].
6. Term of office of each Executive shall be one (1) year beginning May 1 and expiring on
April 29 of the following year.
XVI. The President
16.01 The President shall:
_ (a) Act as the official representative of MSA at all occasions.
_ (b) Provide leadership and guidance to the Executive and MSA.
_ (c) Be responsible for ensuring that the Executive carry out their
respective duties as outlined in articles 17-20.
_ (d) Supervise and ensure the smooth operation of MSA, which includes
peacefully resolving any inter-Executive conflict and reviewing all
MSA documentation.
_ (e) Chair each Executive and General meeting, subject to section
[7.06 (a) and 7.06 (b)].
_ (f) Act on his/her own authority only if an Executive or General
meeting cannot be called subject to section [5.01 (d)] and [5.02 (e)].
This may include making emergency decisions such as delegating
duties and/or special powers to an Executive member subject to section
[16.01 (g)].
_ (g) Be responsible to the Executive and MSA for all of his actions as
their representative.
_ (h) Prepare and present an overview of what the MSA’s next school
year activities should look like.
_ (i) Prepare and present an annual report to MSA during the final
General Meeting.
_ (j) Prepare the agenda for each Executive and General meeting in
consultation with the Executive and the general membership.
_ (k) Be one (1) of the two (2) signing officers for MSA bank
_ (l) Be one (1) of the two (2) signing officers of MSA.
XVII. The Vice President
17.01 The Vice President Brothers’ shall:
_ (a) Assist the President with all designated duties and responsibilities.
_ (b) Assume all duties and responsibilities of the President in the
President’s absence with the cooperation of the Sister’s Vice President.
_ (c) Provide the executive with a defined written proposal of what he
sees the YORK MSA become in the next year. This could be ideas,
objectives, improvements and etc. The proposal extends to objectives
and long term goals for the future.
_ (d) Provide the executive with a defined written proposal of events that
could be organized by the MSA in a chronological way.
_ (e)Consult and work closely with President and VP-Sisters’.
_ (f) Supervise, consult and work closely with PRs and the Coordinators.
_ (g) Interact with and act as a mentor with the MSA brothers.
17.02 The Vice President Sisters shall:
_ (a) Assist the President with all designated duties and responsibilities.
_ (b) Assume all duties and responsibilities of the President in the president’s absence with the cooperation of the Brother’s Vice President.
_ (c) Provide the executive with a defined written proposal of what she sees the YORK MSA become in the next year. This could be ideas, objectives, improvements and etc. The proposal extends to objectives and long term goals for the future.
_ (d) Provide the executive with a defined written proposal of events that could be organized throughout the year by the MSA in a chronological way.
_ (e) Consult and work closely with President and VP-Brothers’.
_ (f) Supervise, consult and work closely with PRs and the Coordinators.
_ (g) Interact with and act as a mentor with the MSA Sisters.
XVIII. The Treasurer
1. The Treasurer shall:
_ (a) Be responsible for all the financial affairs of MSA, including the maintenance and security of the financial records.
_ (b) Be one (1) of the two (2) signing officers for MSA bank transactions.
_ (c) Be one (1) of the two (2) signing officers of MSA.
_ (d) Maintain a maximum of $20.00 in petty cash, reimbursing only when a proof of purchase is provided, subject to section [25.04].
_ (e) Prepare the annual budget of MSA.
_ (f) Present monthly bank statements to the Executive, including a financial report and bank statement following every major event.
_ (g) Disburse no funds of MSA except as authorized by the Executive or the President.
_ (h) Prepare an annual report of the financial position of MSA for the Final General Meeting of the year, including original net worth,
revenue generated, expenditures incurred, amount payable, accounts receivable and final balance.
_ (i) At the end of the term, surrender all financial records to the Director of Financial Development.
XIX. The Secretary
1. The Secretary shall:
_ (a) Prepare and type an accurate account of each Executive and General
meetings and distribute the minutes to the Executive and, if requested, to general members, prior to the next meeting.
_ (b) Type and distribute the agenda for each Executive meeting subject to section [5.02 (d)].
_ (c) Keep a record of contacts within the executives and the Coordinators.
_ (d) Keeps a list of MSA members.
_ (e) Keep an updated file of what the MSA has done in the past.
_ (f) Create meeting Agenda’s with the help of VP’s and President.
_ (g) Write down all events that take place that year and store all information (including flyers, brochures and ups n’ downs)
_ (h) Organization of all the history of York MSA in the MSA folder.
_ (i) Review of activities (every 2 weeks)
_ (j) During election time he/she has to print out a list of all paid members and that are allowed to vote.
_ (k) Reserves all the rooms needed for GB and Exec meetings.
_ (l) Provide application forms for Coordinators.
_ (m) At the end of the term, surrender the minutes and other records to the Executive Director.
XX. The Public Relations Commissioners/ GTA MSA Representative
1. (a) The Public Relations Commissioners shall:
_ (a) Act as a liaison between MSA and the community; this includes other on-campus groups, Masajid, and other Muslim Students’ Associations.
_ (b)Supervise Coordinators, and organize Coordinator meetings.
_ (c) Be responsible for advertising the publicity of MSA events in the community as outlined in section [20.01 (a)].
_ (d) Be responsible for calling the general membership to a General Meeting, subject to sections [5.01 (c) and 5.01 (d)].
_ (f) Report back to the Vice Presidents and the president.
20.01(b) The GTA MSA Representative shall:
_ Act as a liaison between the MSA at York University and other organizations in the Greater Toronto Area, including, but not limited to, the MSAs of other universities.
_ Represent the York MSA in inter-University community meetings, including but not limited to YFS meetings.
XXI. Coordinator Committees:
1. The Executive may appoint any standing or temporary committee for any purpose it deems fit. Such committees may include, but are not limited to:
_ Social Coordinators (1 Sister and 1 Brother): planning and coordination of social activities.
_ Ramadan and Iftar Services Coordinators (1 brother and 1 sister): planning and coordination of iftaars during Ramadan.
_ IT Coordinator: maintenance of MSA web page, forum and list serve.
_ Da’wah and Outreach Coordinator: planning and coordination of Islam Awareness Week, fast-a-thon and any Da’wah activates by the MSA.
_ Islamic Education Coordinators (1 brother and 1 sister): organizing appropriate Halaqa’s for the MSA General Body Members.
_ Fundraising Coordinator: Organizing fundraising events for the MSA with the assistance of the Treasurer.
_ Academic Education Coordinator: Maintain a list of old exams, provide a network of tutors and students and organize leadership training programs.
_ Prayer Services Coordinators (1 sister and 1 brother): Ensure that all prayers are held on time. Maintain the prayer space and the prayer mats. This Coordinator shall be responsible for finding Khatibs
(speakers) to lead the Friday prayers with the assistance of the president.
_ Research Coordinator: Act as the Think-Tank of the MSA.
Research into what the other Coordinators and the execs ask for.
_ Media and Political Affairs Coordinator: Act as the spokesperson for the MSA in regards to the Media.
_ Office Maintenance Coordinator: Maintain the MSA office on a regular term. Create a list of everything within the office.
2. All major decisions made by appointed committees must be approved by 2/3 of the Executive.
XXII. Election Procedure
1. Annual elections of MSA shall start no less than eight (8) weeks prior to April 29 of each year.
2. Notice of the date of election and nomination period shall be posted in prominent places no less than three (3) weeks in advance of the election dates.
3. No less than four (4) weeks in advance of the election date, The Board of Directors shall be the Outgoing Election Team (OET) to preside over the elections, or select an Outgoing Election Team (OET) from the general membership in its stead. The OET shall not be candidates in the elections and may not sign any nomination forms or vote in the elections. The OET shall consist of at least two and no more than 8 members.
4. The OET, under the supervision of the Board of Directors, shall be responsible for preparing a nomination form, receiving nominations, including setting up and supervising a nominations table in the Meeting Place, preparing and issuing election ballots, and declaring the results.
5. Nomination Procedure:
_ (a) Nomination period shall begin no less than two (2) weeks and close
one (1) week prior to the election date.
_ (b) Any General Member may nominate a potential candidate.
_ (c) Candidates shall not be permitted to campaign or lobby for support.
_ (d) However, each candidate MUST submit a 500 word paragraph outlining to the voters his/her qualifications, and what they wish to establish for the MSA for the upcoming year in the event that they may win in the election.
_ (d) All candidates shall be notified (privately) of their status by the OET no less than five (5) days prior to the elections, at which time they have the right to withdraw from the election.
_ (e) The OET shall oversee the counting of nomination ballots.
_ (f) Potential candidates must be paid Members as defined in section 3.01
6. Voting Procedure:
_ (a) A List of all candidates will be posted in the office over a period of one (1) week starting on and including the election date.
_ (b) Voting shall be conducted in secret ballot.
_ (c) All paid General Members have the right to vote, voting will be conducted over a period of one (1) week starting on and including the election date.
_ (d) Positions for which there is only one candidate shall be acclaimed.
7. Procedure for Counting Ballots and Declaring Results:
_ (a) Following voting, the OET shall collect the ballots and proceed to a private area to count the ballots.
_ (b) The OET shall oversee the counting process. One Trustee shall count aloud the number of valid ballots cast for each candidate, while two of the other Trustees record these results independently. The individual tallies of the Trustees must be equal or the process must be repeated.
_ (c) Following the count, the OET shall inform the outgoing Executive of the names of the new Executive.
8. The new Executive shall take office on May 1 for one year.
9. Any elected position on MSA which becomes vacant during the academic year for any reason can either be:
_ (1) Filled through a by-election called by the current Executive no later than three (3) weeks of the vacancy, and shall be held according to article 23.
_ (2) Or the position may be left vacant upon 2/3 Executive majority vote.
XXIII. By-Election Procedure
1. By-elections shall be called by the Executive no less than three (3) weeks of a vacancy during the academic year, and shall be held according to this article.
2. Notice of the date of by-elections and nomination period shall be posted in prominent places no less than one (1) week in advance of said elections.
3. Nomination period shall begin seven (7) days and close four (4) days prior to the by election date.
4. All candidates shall be notified (privately) of their status by the Executive no less than three (3) days prior to the elections, at which time they have the right to withdraw from the election.
5. All paid General Members have the right to vote; voting will be conducted over a period of three (3) days starting on and including the by-election date.
6. Candidates shall not be permitted to campaign or lobby for support.
7. However, each nominee is required to submit a 500 word paragraph outlining to the voters his/her qualifications, and what they wish to establish for the MSA for the up coming year in the event that they win the elections.
8. Within two (2) days of the said result the Executive shall announce the by-election results to the general body.
XXIV. Removal From Office
1. An Executive member shall be reprimanded by the Executive, and upon repetition, be subject to dismissal for:
_ (a) Slander against another Executive member(s) or general member(s).
_ (b) Usage of profanities, derogatory or discriminatory language in conversation pertaining to MSA, its affairs, or membership.
_ (c) Incompetence or willful negligence of duty.
2. A 2/3 majority Directors vote shall accomplish removal from office after charges and specifications against the affected member have been presented to him/her at a previous Executive meeting, subject to section [24.03].
3. After consultation with the aggrieved parties, the President shall write up and present a list of charges against the affected member, to the Executive, at the next meeting. This shall activate section [24.02].
4. Any removed Executive member shall be deemed to have resigned, subject to section [7.05].
XXV. Finances
1. The signing officers of MSA bank account shall be the Treasurer and the President. In the unavoidable absence of the Treasurer, the President along with the Director of Financial Development shall assume the duties of the Treasurer.
2. The annual budget of MSA revenues and expenditures for the year shall be prepared subject to section [18.01 (e)] and approval by 2/3 of the Executive.
3. Extraordinary expenditures, not covered by the budget, must at any time be approved by 2/3 of the Executive.
4. All expenditures exceeding $100.00 must be authorized in advance by 2/3 of the Executive.
XXVI. Constitutional Amendment Procedure
1. As of 2010, this constitution shall be known as the Constitution of the York University Muslim Students’ Association.
2. A master copy of this constitution shall be stored in the MSA office. All amendments and references shall be kept with the original document to ensure that a complete copy of this document is available at all times. The master copy shall be the responsibility of each Executive and shall not be allowed to leave the MSA office.
3. If it becomes necessary to amend this constitution, a notice of intent to amend the constitution, and written copies of the proposed amendment(s) must be presented to the Executive at an Executive meeting.
4. Proposals for all constitutional amendments shall be subject to the approval of 2/3 of the
Executive and Board of Directors, subject to section [26.06].
5. Within one (1) week following approved amendment(s), such amendment(s) shall be
advertised in prominent places on campus for two (2) weeks.
6. A meeting shall be held no later than three (3) weeks after the proposal for an amendment
has been approved, and must be subject to a vote in accordance with sections [26.07 and [26.08].
7. Proposed amendments that are of a non-procedural or non-financial nature must be
passed by a 2/3 majority of the Executive and Board of Directors to take force.
8. Proposed amendments that are of a procedural or financial nature must be passed by a 2/3 majority of the general membership to take force.
XXVII. Interpretation:
The MSA is a conservative, mainstream, Islamic Association which follows and adheres to the Qur’an and Sunnah The MSA Executive shall be the sole authority for the interpretation of the Constitution. The MSA Executive shall, however, make all determinations of construction and interpretation with due regard to accepted rules of procedure The President, subject to an appeal to the Executive Board, is generally the first source for interpretation of the Constitution.