Archive for March, 2014
Mid Week Motivation Post- March 12th, 2014
Mar 12th
Posted by fsalem in Uncategorized
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficient, the Most Merciful. Humans err. And indeed, we are humans. Therefore, we tend to make mistakes once in a while. Sometimes these mistakes cost us our imaan. We are human. We have good days and bad days. Some days, our imaan may stoop to an all time
Mid-week Motivation [Late]
Mar 1st
Posted by fsalem in Uncategorized
In The Name of Allah, the Most Beneficient, the Most Merciful. To judge or not to judge, that is the question. In this day and age, everyone is a judge looking to give their verdict to any and every Muslim out there. “Look at that sister, her hair is sticking out of her hijab astaghfirullah”